Harmonise your environment & remove stagnation in your area.

The Nature Harmony Station 2.0 achieves this, through resonance, sending out energy into the sky. As well as activating and restructuring the ocean, creeks & rivers, so nature is restored to its natural vibration.

Welcome to Green Clean - Nature Harmony Stations

Official Reseller of Nature Harmony Stations (NHS) for Australia & New Zealand

We play our part in helping the environment rejuvenate, by generating clouds and healthy natural rain when needed, with Nature Harmony Stations from Germany.

By removing stagnation with the orgone generators the devices create a resonance in sync with nature, so nature strengthens and can become balanced again. Counteracting weather manipulations and working with nature's own energies. Activating & restoring life force energy with Wilhelm Reich’s discovery of orgone.

NHS 2.0 with additional pyramid, Orgone Beam and NHS 3.0 in cup in background

What We Do

For a long time the earth has been affected by EMF (Electro-Magnetic Fields), plastics in the water, geo-engineering, chem-trails, and other forms of artificial weather making. This affects the natural cycles and brings stagnation to our environment.

The rain that's manipulated includes heavy metals and other human-made pollutants that come down onto our trees, plants and crops, affecting our health and well being, as well as our food and water supply.

There is technology to counteract this in the form of Nature Harmony Stations (NHS), Orgone beams, and other devices that we offer for people to help restore nature by working with it, instead of against it.

We make grass, trees and plants green again by removing stagnation and eliminating pollution, by activating and restructuring the ocean, creeks, rivers, dams and water bodies so that they can resonate with the clouds again, forming healthy clouds and regular rain helping nature thrive.

Orgonite, cloud busters and some tec can build up DOR (deadly orgone radiation) or stagnation. In return, doing more harm than good. Urs Wirths has added to Wilhelm Reich’s cloud busters and orgone devices. Reich first said he had discovered a biological or cosmic energy, He called it "orgone energy" or "orgone radiation", and the study of it "orgonomy".

Here we have a solution, let’s work together and remove chem trails.

Everything in Resonance, Energy and Frequency

These are neither sun nor rain devices, but create flow and movement, so that the natural weather can return to the way it once was. Boost nature’s own energy field

Say goodbye to drought, bringing harmony and balance back by using nature's forces. Effectively providing a solution to lack of rain and snow. As well as torrential rain, flash flooding and violent hail storms. When a ferocious storm comes within a radius of the NHS devices these devices help mitigate the storm so it loses intensity. Neutralising chemtrails and stabilising the particles so that when they fall on the ground they have no impact.

We reduce stagnation and pollution by creating resonance so the clouds and water bodies can communicate and bring healthy light to medium rain, clouds and air-flow.

NHS devices prevent violent hail storms and brings more snow to areas that have not had good rainfall or snow in recent times and builds up rivers, dams and lakes topping up our water supply.

The land will replenish so plants and grass become green again, bringing harmony and abundance to your land, supporting plant growth and cleaner air. The torus energy field radiates out 5km to 50km and more.

The ocean, creeks and water ways have built up so much pollution over time and the frequency that brings rain has been unable to resonate with clouds.

We can now give back to the land instead of taking from it. The solution is here to treat the problem at hand and help the earth regenerate. 

How to make a difference with Orgone  

The Nature Harmony Stations create torus energy fields and by doing so protect the sky and land from heavy metals, toxins, plastics and EMF. This attracts animals, bird life and brings normal healthy rainfall up until the point that the land is replenished, then the weather will return to a normal state once again. Working with nature and real energy science rather than against it! Man made pollution and weather tampering makes it harder for nature to bring rain naturally or regulate itself. Green-clean helps nature to do its thing, balancing things out and making a new earth positive change for the environment.

Green Clean's goal is to make a protective grid where no outside influences can tamper with our weather. Strengthening the ether, restoring the earth and inviting nature to thrive with an abundance of life, energy, flow and balance. 

The process works by building layers upon layers of toroidal fields, to harness life force energy and counteract detrimental weather manipulation. 

Calling in the nature spirits, elementals and creating intention for harmony and well being. Working with these devices and tech with intention we can make the world green again. 

Everything in Resonance, Energy and Frequency

Our Products

Orgon & Glass Balls...

Activated Blocks

The Activated Orgone Blocks are thrown into the sea out the beyond waves, in 1 - 3 places around a city, to create weather harmony for that city. They are also dropped into harbours, large lakes and rivers. These blocks pulse a frequency that restructures and harmonises the water, with a 20km radius or up to a 40km diameter, cleaning the water pollution and increasing fish populations in the process.

Activated ocean beacon ready to recharge the sea with healthy energy again.

Pulse Emitting Glass Balls

These special glass balls have been charged with high voltage sparks of specific frequencies that pulse in water. A ball can be thrown in every 2-3km along streams to activate them. They are 1cm in diameter and made of special borosilicate glass with calcium; prepared so that they emit a pulse into the water. In return harmonising and structuring the water.

Activated glass ball to go into river pulsing the water with more life and energy.

Had enough of water stagnation and droughts?

Through the use of an Orgone generator we create resonance, so water, clouds and rain become natural again.

Before & After...

Fish Pond - Before Activated Glass Balls

A fish pond with dirty stagnant water, with Green Clean running a glass ball activation test.

Fish Pond - After Activated Glass Balls

The same fish pond with a noticeable improvement after only one week of receiving activated glass balls.

Working with nature...

Activated Stones

Activated stones with white streaks of quartz (or calcite) can be picked up from rivers throughout Australia. Instructions for activating these stones can be provided upon request.

By harmonising waters, our Activated Orgone Radiators create more cloud formation when needed, and have shown they can reduce temperatures by 10°C in very hot climates.

In harmonising water, biodiversity increases and fish populations recover. The most important thing however is the re-establishment of resonance from the water to the sky.

Stones with white streaks in them so they can be heated and activated

Climate Change

The Nature Harmony Stations create torus energy fields and by doing so protect the sky and land from heavy metals, toxins, plastics and EMF. This attracts animals, bird life and brings normal healthy rainfall up until the point that the land is replenished, then the weather will return to a normal status again. Working with nature and science rather than against it!

Green Clean's goal is to make a protective grid where no outside influences can tamper with our weather.

The process works by building layers upon layers of toroidal fields, to harness life force energy and counteract detrimental weather manipulation.

Calling in the nature spirits, creating intention for weather - and working with the elements together - we can make the world green again.

Torus showing axial up and down and out flows

This is an incredible investment opportunity into your life, to clear the polluted air, clean the waterways, and receive your fair share of sunshine and rain!

DIY Kit Information

The easiest and most affordable option to get you started...

Our DIY Kits are the easiest and most affordable way to start working with the weather and make a change.

All Nature Harmony Stations and devices are a one-off cost, with minimal maintenance, and no ongoing cost.

Green Clean's DIY Kits include:

  • Wool felt

  • Steel wool

  • Universal chip

  • Paper

  • Twine

  • 2 x tape

  • Energetically pre-treated mineral mixture (100,000 Bovis)

  • Protective film on the outside

  • Grounding connection

  • Activated ceramic

  • Small rock crystals

  • Agnihotra ash

  • EMF protection chip

  • 2-3 Charged glass stones

  • Installation Instructions included available after purchase

  • The pre-treated mineral powder, energy ceramics and the glass stones provide a large part of the effect.

  • Kits come with an Assembly manual and tech support.

Note: as the customer, you will need to purchase a pole and a bucket.

Bonus Content: Your kit includes free glass balls, for the activation of rivers and oceans and the removal of pollution and stagnation.

GPS location, picture and direction of water flow is posted to our Telegram page. First-time customers who live near the sea and ask for them, will also receive free with instructions on how to place them.

Worldwide NHS Activated Waterways & Stations

As more and more people are experiencing the natural benefits of Nature Harmony Stations, the more they are sharing with their friends and family. Below are dynamic maps of Nature Harmony Stations and activated waterways around the world.

Current Activated Waterways - Globally

Current Nature Harmony Stations - Globally